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The Brand Standard

A podcast that takes the BS out of branding. You'll hear talks on the ins and outs of branding, the must knows of the branding journey and overall straight talk about what to expect during the branding process.
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Episode 1 - Introduction

In this episode I’m going to spend a little time introducing myself and my story before digging into all the goodies that I’m going to cover in this podcast and what you can expect to get from listening in.

Episode 2 - What is Branding

So, what is branding & why is it so important in your business? Even though the idea of branding can feel overwhelming, it is essential for setting your business up for success.

Episode 3 - Top 3 Things to Focus On

I'm going to share with you the top three things I have found most important to focus on when you are starting the process of developing your business branding.

Episode 4 - Your Brand is More Than Your Logo

I have been doing this for 10 years, and I have heard some crazy stories about what a brand is and how you are supposed to brand your business.

Episode 5 - Keep It Simple

Ready to debunk yet another myth about your logo? Your logo goes on everything. Everything from a piece of paper to a pen to a billboard. Don’t make the mistake that I have seen so many others make that I talk about in this episode.

Episode 6 - Branding is Too Expensive

First off, yes, branding can be expensive but it should be viewed as an investment not just an expense.

There are a lot of factors to consider when we are talking about the amount of money that goes into branding.


Episode 7 - Branding Doesn't Have an ROI

I am going to cover the myth that branding doesn't have a return on investment. The real question should be how doesn't your brand have a return on investment? Your investment is placed on your business the moment you decide to get your brand professionally designed.


Episode 8 - Check In With Your Brand

This is my favorite myth to debunk and it hurts me that it is even out there. The myth goes, once you develop your brand you don't have to update it. In the last episode I talked about your brand having a return on your investment and to do everything you can to keep that return coming in you need to check in on your brand from time to time.


Episode 9 - Don't Use Canva for Your Brand

In this episode, I’m giving the unpopular opinion that Canva is not the place that you design your BRAND. Canva does not make you a graphic designer and Canva is not the place to design logos and branded social media graphics.


Episode 10 - Color Palette is Chose by Ideal Client

Should your business color palette be some of your favorite colors, or based on your client?  Unless the color palette you are using  will attract your ideal client, you shouldn't use it. Color psychology is a real science, and should be paid attention to in branding your business.


Episode 11 - Develop Strategy Before Appeal

A solid foundation for your business is everything. I have talked about building a solid foundation for your business in earlier episodes and today I will be going into more detail about having that foundation in place and why it is so important.


Episode 12 - Brand Photos vs. Stock Photos

The topic is all about photos. More specifically, that you should use your own branded photos instead of stock photos. I am going to be joined with a special guest to help me get the point across. Casey Jade owner and badass photographer of Casey Jade photography.


Episode 13 - Be Consistent Across All Platforms

This month I will be covering best practices to keep in mind for your brand. This episode, I will be talking about being consistent across all platforms. Your color palette should be the same throughout your marketing materials, your website, and your social media, graphics and social media feeds. Your fonts as well as your tone shouldn’t be changing either.


Episode 14 - Check in with Your Brand

How often should you be checking in with your brand? You should be doing a quick check-in every six months to make sure your brand is still inline with your ideal clients wants and needs. Also, if you are looking to pivot your business this is a time you absolutely want to be doing a check in with your brand.


Episode 15 - Branded Social Media Graphics

Today I will be sharing with you the different ways to stay on brand on your social media platforms, specifically, on your Instagram and your Facebook. A big mistake I see is when businesses have branded marketing materials and websites that look great, but then their social media is all over the place.


Episode 16 - Post with Intention

People want to get to know you and the more genuine you are the more they can connect with you and your brand. I’m going to share some tips on how you can genuinely show up and connect with your ideal clients in the way you desire too without putting on a huge fake facade.


Episode 17 - Questions to Ask A Designer

This month we will be wrapping up this season by talking about how to pick the right designer for you. I’m starting it off by giving you the five big questions you need to ask any designer that you are interviewing...


Episode 18 - My Designer Process

Ready to hear all about my design process? While each designer's process varies from one to the other, I am going to break down one of the ways I work with my clients specifically, and explain to you what you could expect if you were to choose to work with me as your brand designer.


Episode 19 - Original Files + A Bonus

Receiving the original files after having your business branded or rebranded is ESSENTIAL, but you’re likely wondering why? In this episode I break down exactly why you need access to those files, and why it’s not typically standard practice for designers to give them to you.


Episode 20 - Revision (Change) Rounds

Have you been wondering what exactly revision change rounds are? I’m going to walk you through exactly that, how the process tends to work and why you should take full advantage of them. This should help prepare you for feeling more confident about using your revisions while working with a designer.


Episode 21 - Template Designs vs. Original Designs

Have you been considering using template designs for the branding of your new business? I’m breaking down the differences between template and original designs. I’ll be listing out some of the pros and cons of using a template vs getting an original design made for your business.