Let's Chat

Feed Your Soul

brand design  for personal chef


Stacy Horn is the owner of Feed Your Soul and also a great friend of mine. She is an excellent chef and pastry chef. She has worked in many different restaurants, honing her skills in the kitchen as well as teaching her craft to those eager to learn. She has traveled all over the world and enjoys connecting with people through food.



Stacy and I talked about her branding in the lines of ride attractions at Disneyland. We spoke about the overall business and her brand aesthetic. She had a dream to send travel packages to different parts of the world and do food tours to learn about the culture and the food that went with each destination. She also wanted to do cooking classes for amateur chefs and fun date nights. The name Feed Your Soul touches on the food and also speaks to “what fills your cup”. What feeds your soul - is it good food? Is it giving back to your community? Is it traveling? Is it relaxing your mind and body? Is it learning? All of these things are what this business is all about. It’s about getting in touch with what feeds your soul and then doing those things. The color palette is categorized by the different avenues one can take to feed their soul. Blue for Mind, Red for Heart, Green for Food, and Purple for Spirit. Modern typography was a must in order for the brand to go through the paces and the years. Stacy continues to teach cooking classes online, and if you live in California she can do in-home cooking demos or cook your family a home cooked meal that’s sure to make your mouth water. The travel part of her business is on hold due to the restrictions of the pandemic but with things lifting, it may be something she starts to explore.

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